Tuesday 24 May 2011

Week 18!

This week we made Cherry Tomato and Mozzarella focaccia bread with a vegetable soup and a strawberry and chocolate mousse.
We had to make this after school so we had to be quick and got straight on with making the focaccia first, as it had to rise for 1 hour. It went well and as we left it to rise we made the roasted cherry tomatos'
We then made the mousse which went badly from the cream nearly turning to butter when we over whisked it, to dropping 2 out of 4 of the glasses filled with mousse (half the finished mousse gone!)!!!
We finished by making the vegetable soup, which was simply cutting up the veg and chucking it in the magimix pouring in water and boiling.
We then ate the frankly disgusting vegetable soup with the actually quite nice focaccia followed by the blaaaaaaaaaa that was the mousse, it was so gross, we couldn't eat it. it was that bad!
So all in all pretty rubbish!
bonne appetite (actually maybe not the bonne appetite this week!) from Zilah and Steph.

Sunday 22 May 2011

Week 17

This week we made cheese and herb soda bread, and a lemon meringue tart.
Our friend Faye came and helped today.
First we made the soda bread which was quite easy, we then ate one for lunch with a fried egg, but before that steph tried to poach an egg and failed, then she tried to fry an egg and failed again. She then ate the failed fried egg,and zilah cooked two perfect eggs! they tasted delicious.
we then carried onto the lemon meringue tart which was also quite simple except zilah dropped an egg!
We went for a run and when we came back the lemon meringue pie was ready!

It was delicious many happy munchings.

Love from Z&S x x x

Sunday 15 May 2011

week 16!

This week we made a vegetable lasagna with a apple and cinnamon crumble for pudding. We wanted a nice homely, filling meal because that night we were doing a midnight walk for st. Elisabeth's hospice!
We started by making the lasagna sheets, we used a pasta machine this time though so we didn't have to suffer the rolling out like last time! We then made the roast vegetables and tomato sauce and put it all together.
Then we started on the crumble, Zilah peeled and sliced the apples while Steph made the cinnamon crumble topping.
They both tasted great and gave us the energy we needed to walk!
We got dressed up in our tutu's, blue tights, long multi-coloured socks, crazy makeup and flashing bunny ears so we could walk in style! Had a great time and raised lots of money.
Bonne Appetite from Zilah and Steph!

Sunday 8 May 2011

Week 15!

This week we made a tomato and mascarponie pasta bake with raspberry and chocolate macaroons.
We started with the tomatoes, we had to bake them in the oven for an hour and while they  roasted we made the macaroon mixture, Steph carried on with the macaroons while Zilah made the tomato sauce and pasta for the pasta bake. All went well, no big problems and we ate it outside in the sunshine. It was Paul's(stephs Brother) birthday so there was extra celebration.
Bonne Appetite from Zilah and Steph.

Monday 2 May 2011

Week 14!

Bonjour again people of the Internet! this is our 14th week, and it was impressive!
A three course meal cooked not just for us but for guests as well!
So we made a stuffed pepper starter, followed by the red pepper and asparagus tart we made before with new potatoes and a pavlova! woo!

We started with the stuffed peppers, which were really easy and went very well. We then put them in the oven while we made our tart which went well until we dropped it and had to start again but we made it double quite and it was done in time. We then made the pavlova it was amazing and really easy using zilahs new magi mix which she got for her birthday !! 
overall success today, all was enjoyed and the guests were impressed !! 
Bonne Appetite from Zilah and Steph!