Sunday, 13 February 2011

Week 4!

This week we made pizzas and deep dish apple a la mode. We started by making the dough which went very well then we left it in the not turned on but heated by oven grill to double in size! While the dough was doubling we made the pastry for our apple a la mode. Which also went very well. We put our ball of pastry in the fridge and made the pizzas tomato sauce. we made the tomato sauce a little early so put it to the side and by then the pizza dough was ready to roll out so we rolled it out, making to pizza bases, which we then covered in the tomato sauce we had made earlier. and decorated one each. Zilahs was vegetarian and in the shape of a face called 'Dave' While Stephs was in the shape of a butterfly with chorizo. Now we put them in the oven for 15 minutes while we made the apple filling which was reasonably simple, just peeling and slicing apples then laying then in the bottom of our dish (with our pastry in it) then sprinkling a mixture of granulated sugar, brown sugar, flour and butter on the top and then putting the other layer of pastry on top to seal our pie! By this time the pizzas were ready so we took them out and put the pie in and served the pizzas with a salad and they tasted great and a minute after we finished eating the pie was ready too which we thought was perfect timing until we read in the recipe that you have to leave the pie 3 hours to cool so that its less liquid and as we were eating this as tea and Zilah and her parents were going to a play that night we decided that we decided to take Steph to the play with us and then have her for a sleepover, just so we could all try the pie! in the end when we ate the pie at 10:30pm it tasted amazing and worth the wait.
Some pictures:

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