Sunday, 13 November 2011

Week 30!

This week we had a spainish theme! Basically a selection of tapas and some funny spainish music in the background! We made Garlicky prawns with sherry, Spainish rice (paella), Patatas bravas (roasted potato cubes with tomato mush), A goats cheese salad with a very yummy chocolate balsamic sauce and ALOT of tomato bread! We didn't really make any of it in a particular order, just all at the same time and got a bit confused but in the end it all tasted great and we invited stephs parents over to eat with us. They were all very impressed and the meal was enjoyed by all. We finished the meal with a brought baked blueberry cheesecake and now the adults are talking while we write the blog.
Bonne Apetite from Zilah and Steph xox

Week 29!

This week is stephs birthday! We cooked on her birthday for her fireworks, soup and real life cluedo party!We made 2 loafs of bread and iced a chocolate birthday cake that steph had made the day before so it would be cool enough.
We started with the bread so it could rise and all went well. We are quite the experts at bread making now! While they rose we iced the 3 layer cake and put some happy birthday candles on it. It looked great so we put the bread dough in their tins and left it to rise again while we wrote the cluedo profiles.
After a while we put the risen bread in the oven and it came out looking amazing!
All the guests arrived and we ate tomato soup with our bread and went outside to watch the fireworks. Halfway though the game we paused to eat cake, either ours or our friend Faye's who had brought a strawberry and cream cake with her.
Bonne appetite from Zilah and Steph.